Search Results: corp


Image Fade In Up (lightbox) Fusce sit amet ultrices ante, non ullamcorper dui. Donec ut tincidunt eros. Nunc consequat at orci sed dictum. Donec nec sagittis erat. Sed semper pellentesque est nec bibendum. Ut pretium gravida arcu laoreet cursus. Pellentesque lectus purus, mollis posuere mauris eget, dapibus lobortis urna. Morbi sollicitudin malesuada facilisis. Cras sed […]

Our Team

Patrick Bertagna Founder, CEO and Chairman Patrick Bertagna is a serial entrepreneur, inventor and thought leader in the wearable technology and IoMT industry with 35+ years in creating, building and selling technology and consumer product companies. Since 2002, Mr. Bertagna has been the founder, Chairman and CEO of GTX Corp, a pioneer in the wearable […]

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